Return to God

I heard the words return to God, and the Lord also led me to read them as well. Lay down your swords against your brothers and sisters and return to God. Through the risen Saviour Jesus Christ, you can be reconciled back to The Father. There are many signs and wonders in the world today, take heed because the Lord our God is on his way. Things that are taking place have been prophesied since the beginning of the age. Lay your swords down against your brothers and sisters and return to God the Father. Vengeance is mine said the Lord,” don’t fall into the enemies traps and snares because that is how he gets one to sell himself. The day and the hour are unknown, only by the Father who sent his Son. The gift that can not compare, the life of a man that laid his life down for all our snares. Nothing can be more true than the Saviour that died for all who believed it to be true. This is all of God’s perfect plan, to wake up a generation with his mighty hand. Things happen, and this is the Lords way of waking you up that you can’t stop the judgement that is and will come. Return to God, children of Israel, lay down your swords and do what’s right in God’s eyes. Vengeance is the Lords, and he will have it on all of man kind, so don’t wreck havoc. Lay down your flesh today, and be born again but God’s way. Walk the way he said to walk, and nothing will be lost. Believe in the Saviour that died for you because it is through him, you will see the only way, the only light, and the only truth. The perfect plan you will never understand. Only God knows his way, so believe, repent, and pray. Worship God with all of your heart put him first in your life and make that brand new beautiful start. The choice is yours to live for the Lord or your way, but your way will have consequences that dig a grave. I feel it in my spirit as a warning, for all to return to God and all of his glory. Accept in your heart and believe that Jesus Christ died for all to see, the glory of the Father who Art in Heaven, the creator of all, the only great and mighty hand there is and will ever be. Be reconciled back to the Father of creation, through Christ our Saviour, for he is the true blessing. I pray this reaches you today, and you understand the power of God and that he has the final say. This is not to instill fear, just to remind you that God is near and that he wants you to come back home with no fear. Accept the Lord with all of your heart and make that glorious brand new beautiful start.               Stay Blessed y’all

Sins Bleed

Living in sin will bleed out on others. Sins open doorways to more sin, and it affects the people in your life or around you. When you realize everything that you need to be forgiven for, you will realize the need for grace. When God extends mercy and grace upon your life, he expects you to extend the same to others, whether you agree with their sin or not. Whether you were directly affected by their wrongdoing  or not, God expects you to extend the same grace and mercy you expect him to give you or that you would want to receive from him. Nobody on this earth is qualified to throw a stone because all have fallen short. All were born into this sinful world, and how you leave this world is our free will choice. Bad things happen as a result of either you falling into sin or others. The enemy tries to make as many as he can live in hell because that is his eternity, and you have that xhoice as to where you spend your eternity. The enemy does not have a choice he is damned for eternity, and this he makes him jealous of humans, God’s creation because of our free will. He is very cunning and will do anything to kill, steal, and destroy what is rightfully God’s. Before the coming of Christ, there was no way, but through Christ, there is a way. A way for you to be born again, free from your shackles of sin. Jesus Christ came to set free all of humanity. When you realize this gift is from God and that the battles are already won that you may face, you realize there is nothing you can not get through in this life with God. You lean on him for direction through his word and his prayer, and you worship him regardless of your circumstances. This is a true test when you go through trials and tribulations and can still lift up his Holy name and thank him for it all. Gratitude is very important, and he should be thanked and praised every day, and you should always strive to practice his ways. This is being the church, striving to be as he would have you to be every day. God can not be confined to anywhere or anything as he is everywhere and should be worshipped in spirit and in truth wherever you may be and whatever you may do should be for his glory not your own glory. When you sin, it bleeds, and it will bleed onto others intentionally or unintentionally. It not only affects you but also others, and it will keep on bleeding until it is dealt with by God, meaning repented for, forgiveness, all the things that he stated should be done. You have to extend grace and mercy just as he has done for you. That is a big and widely missed rule. Sin is sin, and all have fallen short in one way or another. Stop the cycle today, and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. God wants a personal relationship with each and every person that he made because he is the Father, and through his Son Jesus Christ is the only way.   Stay Blessed y’all


Gluttony is a sin, and sin leads to death. Gluttony and greed go hand in hand. It is over consumption, having more than you need or pursuing more than you need. Storing things up as if they are treasures for only your benefit. Over consumption of food, drinking, and pursuing more money than you actually need. Gluttony and greed can come in many forms. Over consumption of things of this world, even medically speaking. Men will lead you astray, but God does not. Sin is a sin regardless of how you may perceive the sin. God looks at sin the same, and through his only Son, Jesus Christ, you can be saved. Fasting is a spiritual practice of denying your flesh, bringing you closer to God because whatever it may be that you are fasting from is a sacrifice. Putting God first above these things brings you closer to him, and in return, you will be more healthy. That is why fasting acts as a reset for your body but there is a spiritual meaning behind it. Regardless of what you think, your body is an organism filled with organisms that feed off your over consumption of certain things. Denying yourself is a hard thing to do when it has become your first priority and part of your routine. I still struggle with things as well. Put God first in everything that you do, and you will see God in everything that you do. God will heal you and make you anew, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, the only way, the only light, and the only truth. I learn something new every day because my mind is open to God’s word, and I pray. I stay on the altar, and this is nothing new. Because the Holy Spirit is moulding me and shaping me into God’s truth. I pray everyone accepts Jesus Christ today, repent, and take up your cross that leads to brighter days. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a fight because Athenism is everything that God said that is not right. This world is the destruction of the human race. Believe what you may, you have that right, but if it’s not God’s way, it will never go right. There will always be the missing piece of God the Father, who made you and me. This world can not give you what you search for, only God the Father, who already won the war. Take what you need, not too much, because God the Father is knocking at your hearts door. Lay down your flesh today. Through Jesus Christ is the only way. The best physician that you will ever know is knocking at your hearts door. He will heal you and make you anew, dying to self is what you need to do. Trust in God with all your heart. He will never lead you astray. Glory all be to God in the highest, for his intelligence surpasses those who think they are the smartest. Tetelestai. May you be blessed and kept in Jesus’s mighty name. Amen.                                                                   Stay Blessed y’all





Traditions do not mean it is right. Everyone has been raised up differently and in different environments. People tend to latch on to traditions either because they grew up doing something because their family did it. I want to remind you that this generation is mixed up, meaning coming from different lands, genes, etc. I actually never knew how mixed up my bloodline was until I dove into the DNA rabbit hole. Through the generations, all these traditions have been combined and mixed up, following down the lines of the next generations. I can honestly sit here and tell you, although I come from a great family, their ways and traditions were not always in accordance to Gods word, his laws. That is why it is essential to have a personal relationship with God. You can be reconciled to your Father through Jesus Christ, who made that a possibility for all. I have prayed about many things, and that is where I get my answers and through his word. If it does not line up with God’s word, it’s not of him. The greatest book in history will lead your life the way it should be, and that is the Bible. Other history books are for learning, origins of things and etc. If those origins did not come from the Bible, you have to question them. If they did not come as God’s ways or laws, they must be questioned if you honestly want to walk this life as you should. Sin has been with everyone since we were born into this world, and Jesus Christ came and did what he did to save humanity from sin. Belief is so crucial in these times, and I think it’s important for everyone to be reconciled back to The Father. Know humans are imperfect and will lead you astray, but our Lord Jesus came here and paved a way. He loves you through and through like no man could ever do. He laid his life down for you, and there is no greater love than that of his love. When your soul is not right with God, it will eventually make you sick in many ways. Until your load gets too heavy to carry, and you will call upon his name. You call out to him every day with every breath that you take, Yahweh. Like it or not, you call his name. I point things out to make you question man and his plan. God has done so much for me and saved me from me and many other things. All I desire is for all to go to him and seek his perfect plan. God loves you through and through, like you never knew. It does not matter what your sins may be. Jesus Christ will make you clean by his blood that he shed on Calvary. I want to encourage you today to call upon his name, lay your life down at Christ Cross, where nothing will be lost. The Holy Spirit will do a work in you like you never experienced. He will give you a new heart of flesh and put the stony heart to rest. That’s what happens when you are born again. You become a new creation, the way God intended. God is the best Potter in history, especially with wretched sinners like you and me. I desire all to experience his love to the full extent and live for him because he died for all sins. Living for God is just living according to his laws, laws that rise us up and not make us fall. Put God first in everything thing that you do, and you will see God in everything that you do. Don’t follow your traditions or your history. Seek Jesus Christ and let God be your lead.                                   Stay Blessed y’all


With all my heart, I want to encourage you today to get right with God. Nobody knows the day, time, or the hour in which he will come. Only God himself knows these things. I do know, only from signs and wonders that the time is drawing near, and that is exactly what is said to look for. I have no desire to invoke fear into anyone nor any desire to see anyone perish because of lack of knowledge. Not everyone in this world has had the privilege to be told about God, thus the reason all should share the good news and what he did for all. It does not matter how far you have fallen or what you have done. You can be saved through God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. That was Jesus’s purpose, his perfect self doing what he was sent to do for humanity to become anew, reconciled back to The Father God. That is true love at it finest, and nothing that this world has to offer can compare. If you still are breathing, it is not too late to lay your life down, believe, and be saved. The Lamb of God has conquered all your battles that you may face, just stay in prayer, worship, and give it all to him to be saved. His grace and mercy are new with each day, have faith, hope, and his love will carry you the rest of the way. When his Holy Spirit enters you, you will gradually become anew. He starts a work in you in which will make you anew. The Holy Spirit is your advocate through and through. He gets his direction from God above only because of the only Begotten Son. What Jesus Christ did for me and for you can never compare to what this world can do. Believe in him with all of your heart, repent, lay your life down, and make that brand new beautiful start. You have the choice of what you choose to do, to follow Jesus Christ, the only way, the only light, and the only truth. This world and its ways lead nowhere but the grave, so I speak life for all, in Jesus’s Mighty Name. I pray that you seek today and find the greatest love of all time.     Stay Blessed y’all

Freedom Rings

True freedom is found through Jesus Christ and through him alone. Through Jesus Christ, you can be reconciled back to The Father, which Art in Heaven. Nothing this world has to offer will satisfy you until you have made peace with God, through Jesus Christ. It is through him that enables God to look at you and not see your sins, to be able to forgive you because of the blood shed of his only Son. Acceptance of him, belief, is a small price to pay verses the lateral, and I can not imagine anyone wanting the lateral. Pure hell and torment for eternity versus heaven and bliss. If you think this world can offer anything close to God, you are sadly mistaken. His gift to humanity is untouchable by anything that this world has to offer. It will all wither away and die, but God’s love will remain for eternity. The battle has already been won, and seals have been broken. I want to ask you today where your heart is today? Is it set this world’s treasures or with God’s treasures? Is it set on God’s priceless treasures or treasures that will wither away and die from this world? Do you trust this world over the God that created this world and everyone in it? The way this world has been going and the corruption that is in everything, I can honestly tell you I trust nothing or nobody over God. I have seen enough in this selfish generation to conclude that. When you realize all humans are imperfect and all make mistakes and all need the Saviours Grace, you will realize a lot. The only true freedom that rang for me was when Christ lifted me up off my bended knees. When you feel a love like that, it will shock you. Nothing will ring truer that that ring of freedom. True freedom is found through Jesus Christ, the moment he reconciles you back into the loving arms of our Father which Art in Heaven. That ring of freedom will change you, and you will want to tell everyone about it because you want everyone to experience his love, his grace, and his mercy from above. The true ring of freedom is sent from heaven above, Christ’s gift to humanity with so much love. I love you all, and I pray everyone experiences this ring of freedom sent from up above, found through Jesus Christ our Saviour, the gift of true love, sent from up above.                                                             Stay Blessed y’all


Healing in all areas of life comes from the great I Am. Sin is a disease, and there is only one that can cleanse you from sin and make you whole in all areas that it spreads. I can honestly sit here today and tell you all the traumatic events that have taken place in my life, God has healed me from and continues to do so today. In his time, he reveals to me what I need to know and how he understands and has always been right there with me. My lack of relationship with God caused me to go down many paths, and had I had the proper relationship with him the first place, things would have never happened. A lack of his presence in my life, not living for him, living for myself, and getting lost in this world with the things of this world in the process. Sin leads to more sin, and if you don’t have God number one in your life, that is the first sin. Society has veered off so much from God’s laws on how humans should operate. Taking God out of places where he should be taught about, taking out prayer which should be taught about because that is humans line of communication with the creator of all. It is essential to teach these things so that sin can not run rampant in this world like it does today. In God, you should trust, and money is not God. It is idolatry. When you compromise your morality to gain selfishly, it is a sin. Stealing, killing,and destruction for things of this world in a sin and attributes that only come from the enemy, no matter the cost. Jealousy is another sin as well as lust for whatever it may be. This society has come to a place where it can’t even follow the ten laws that God gave us in the beginning because of selfishness and greed. When governments can’t keep these laws first before going and making other laws to get around them, there is a problem with the people that sit in these places and I pray God removes people like this that sit in places they should not be allowed to sit. Put God first in everything that you do, and you will see God in everything that you do. It is not too late as long as you have breath, to repent and turn from your wicked ways, and let God heal you. I don’t care what you have done, where you are, or what you are currently doing. There is nothing in this world that healed me from my sins, only the mighty hand of God. No therapist, no doctor, no preacher, no teacher, no medication,only the saving grace and mercy of my Lord and Saviour and me laying it all down at the foot of his cross. God is the great physician, and don’t you ever let this world tell you any different. As long as you have God, you have everything that you will ever need because with God, all things are possible. Your sins are a disease and will spread like wildfire until you submit yourself to the authority of God. I’m not perfect and never claimed to be, but I do know what God has done for me and my life. He saved a wretched sinner like myself from the hell that I do deserve. When he was nailed on that cross and said tetelestai, that is what he meant. I want to encourage you today to seek a relationship with God and pray. Don’t let this world tell you what you need to do, for Jesus Christ is the only way, the only light, and the only truth. May everyone be healed in Jesus’s Name, Amen. Hosanna is in the highest!!!!                                                                Stay Blessed ❤️                                              


I read a lot of people and deliverance from demonic entities. I don’t doubt that people need this sometimes because it was even written about in the Bible and from my own experiences. Speaking from experience at a time in my life, I had a faith problem.  Believing in things that I could not see but not on the God side. There was a time in my life when I was into supernatural things like ghosts and paranormal activities. I invited that stuff into my life out of pure ignorance to God’s word and his laws. God delivered me from these things among many other things and opened my eyes to the truth of him and his word and his laws. Because of his Son and what he did for all, I was able to be saved and delivered and reconciled back to my Father. To devil has tactics, and he figures out through words that are spoken and actions what sparks interests in people and he will use such things to gain entry into a person’s life, only to kill, steal, and destroy. He likes to attack in weak moments, too, thus why you have to keep the full armour of God on at all times. The word of God is the sword of truth, and it cuts down deep and pierces the sin that one does not want to acknowledge and brings awareness. When I completely laid down my life, past, present, and future at the foot of the cross, everything changed. The Holy Spirit started a work in me that continues today. I have always believed in God, and I have never denied him, but I have also let things in my life have attention when they should not have had it in the first place just like anyone else does with certain things seeming innocent enough when they really are a big deal in God’s eyes. Faith in God and his abilities should be number one in your life and should be his placement in your life. He created everything to sustain humans, and he created humans from the dust of the earth. His breath of life gave everyone life, and he can also take that away. That is taken for granted so much more than it should be. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Where is your faith today? Is it in things of this world or within another human being, or is it with God the creator of all and just what he is capable of doing? It is already finished. The work that needed to be done was done on Calvary on the cross for you and me. Accept and believe that Christ came, died, and rose in victory for all to be free. No God, no life, know God, know life. I want to encourage you wherever you may be, no matter where you are, lay down your life at the foot of the cross, and seek a relationship with God where all is not lost. Worship him in spirit, and in truth wherever you may be, because those barriers were broke long before you and me. I pray everyone find their way back home and accepts God’s gift of his only begotten Son. Faith is key. Just believe Christ is King, and he will always be.                                                         Stay Blessed


Just to sum it all up, in a nutshell, Jesus Christ is the only name worthy. He is worthy because of what his perfect self did for all of humanity. He is the only person who walked this earth, sinless. Therefore, he was the Lamb of God, the one who took the sins of this world on and the one who defeated and conquered it all. His blood, what he did gives this sinful generation the ability to forgiven, to be reconciled back to The Father, and be born again. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Roman’s 10:9-10. You see, it’s not enough to confess with your mouth, but you must believe with all your heart. God knows your heart better than you do, and he can’t be fooled, for he is the creator of all. I have seen God’s grace and mercy throughout my life with many different situations, and I am thankful, grateful, and blessed for his gift that he bestowed upon humanity because without that gift, Jesus Christ, I could have never been reconciled back to my Father whom Art in Heaven. God is essential to our being and his guidance in this forsaken world. There is nothing more essential than he is, the giver of life. When you realize he wants to help and love you through this life, and when you realize he is really all that, you need to prosper in this life according to his will. You will realize a lot. He knows you better than you do, and that goes for everyone. He knows your heart and where your intentions are. Nobody on this earth is worthy, but Jesus Christ loved you so much to die for your sins to enable you to start over the correct way. It is because of what he did, not what you do or can do. When you are born again, the Holy Spirit comes and resides and starts a work in you. That work is the mighty hand of God, not your own. Your story, your testimony, is that story of your life, what God saved you from and brought you through. Sin is sin, and everyone needs deliverance, and through Jesus Christ is the only way to be washed clean of those sins. Born again through what he did for you , not what you did or can do. God works through you, and all glory goes to him because all in all, everyone should be his humble servant. I gave my life to him and everything that I have and was and am for his use, not my own. My story is his glory, nothing else. Worthy is his name, Jesus, not mine, for I am a wretched sinner saved only by God’s Amazing Grace.

 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.  James 4:10-11.                                                      Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.      1 Peter 5:6-7.                        Stay Blessed and remember who is worthy

Like it, or Not

To question a word that would set your soul free never made much sense to me. When the word is from the creator of all, listen so you may not fall. Listening is one thing, and understanding is another. Listening allows a seed to be planted while understanding and implementing that understanding in your own life is what puts you on the narrow path. If there is something you can not understand, I want to strongly encourage you to go into prayer about whatever it may be and ask God to help you understand. God is the great professor, and his knowledge exceeds all for he created all. Developing a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, is where you start because all have fallen short of God’s glory but him. Christian or not, and like it or not, you call out to Yahweh with every single breath that you take. You came from the creator of all, and through Jesus Christ, you can be saved. The perfect Lamb of God came, conquered, and laid down his life for all because he knew all would stumble and fall. One sin is no greater than another. All have fallen short of God’s glory in one way or another. Before you decide to cast stones at another soul, remember Jesus Christ died for them just the same. Your tongue has the power of life and death in it. What you sow, you will reap, even the words that you speak. I want to encourage you today to speak life to the people that you meet, regardless of who they are or what you may see. Jesus Christ died for all to see God’s glory, and this will always be. Perfection does not exist within anyone on this earth. It did one time, and that was through the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The reason why his blood, his sacrifice, and what he did can free you. There is nothing you can do to earn your way into heaven but follow his lead. There is the greatest book in history full of records for all to see just what he did for all of humanity. The Holy Spirit resides here today to help lead the way. A baptism of fire will take place in which he will mould and form you to finish your race. Gods will always be done because of who he is and his only Son, the battle was long ago already won. You can critique all you want, but with every breath you take, you call his name. Like he said, every tongue will confess, and every knee will bow. Humble yourselves before the Lord, or he will do it for you. The connection between you and God can never be taken away. It will only grow stronger with each passing day. A once in a lifetime kind of love that can only come from up above. Believe me when I say this is true, God will never leave nor forsake you. Through Jesus Christ, it is the only way, the only light, and the only truth that will reconcile you back to God, the Father of all that is good. I come to you today in hopes that you, too, will accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Repent, believing he died for you and me to be set free from the bondages this world places on us through unbelief. To be set free is through Jesus Christ and what he did on Calvary for all humanity. Reconciliation to Our Father, which Art in Heaven, is the greatest gift one can receive on this side. Let him lead and guide you today, for we never know when the horn will blow on that last day. His Kingdom will come, and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. With every passing breath you take, I hope you realize that gift of air has Yahweh written all over it, whether you like it or not, you need him. Behold, he stands at your hearts door today, let him guide your way. Open the door and let him in, for he is the only way, my friends.   Stay Blessed