
Appreciation and gratitude go hand in hand. You can not be ungrateful for the things, events, or people in your life up to the present moment and expect God to advance you to the next level. As hard as it may be, you have to be grateful and appreciative not only for the good but also for the bad and the ugly. During the bad and the ugly moments, most likely, it’s lessons that you need or a realization about something or someone. I honestly think that a person is harder on themselves in more ways than one, and some things the Lord helps you endure to bring you to a place of forgiveness, maybe for yourself or for others. Forgiveness can be hard, especially to yourself, and sometimes, a person does not understand there is still unforgiveness somewhere until a similar situation is presented to them in some way, shape, form, or fashion. The Lords ways are not our own and can not be understood unless he grants us the ability to understand. My understanding does not come from my own ability, but what he bestows upon me to understand. My abilities do not come from myself, but what he enables me to have the ability to do. My level of appreciation toward God is unexplainable for it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not only have I realized a lot about myself and been able to forgive myself and others, but it has given me a level of gratitude where there once was not. With the Lords help, I have healed so many areas that I did not even realize needed healing. God has freed me on so many levels and lifted off weights that I did not even know I was carrying. The great I AM is who he is. Your relationship with God is essential, and I can not express the importance of this with any words. Life has a way of attaching unnecessary baggage that was not ever meant for you to carry, and through Jesus Christ, you set all of that baggage down. Guilt, shame, regret, not knowing is all unnecessary and is something that is carried, not even knowing. The amazing gift that God gave everyone is found through Jesus Christ. The reconciliation to him through Jesus Christ was the game changer for all who believe. Appreciation and gratitude are something that all must have for it all, regardless of what it may be. The journey of healing is found through Jesus Christ, and it is something all must go through in order to see the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. Through him, you will find life with Our Father, whom Art in Heaven. He never meant life to be the way it is, but because of man, we have to die to ourselves because all were born into sin. Though Jesus Christ life is received and it lasts an eternity. What a beautiful place to be through Jesus Christ, free indeed. Practice gratitude for all things today and let Jesus Christ light your way. Stay Blessed

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