Judas’s Kiss

The Bible tells us to love as Jesus loved everyone. He even loved the one that betrayed him, Judas, knowing good and well that he was going to do it. Not only are you supposed to love everyone, but you are to love your enemies as well. I honestly don’t care who you are or what you have done or said about me, I still love you. I can’t help it, and I don’t feel bad about it because that is exactly what all are called to do. The truth of God and his word will stand forever and, above all else, and it does not matter your opinion on that matter. God protects his children just like any good Father does. Everyone has had a Judas in their life, and until you learn how to sit with them at a table, do you know what love is? All I am interested in is the truth, and that truth is Jesus Christ, his example that was left for all to follow. He died for all alike regardless of the sins. No one soul is worth more than the other as they are all of value to our Lord and Saviour. Forgive those who have hurt you and forgive yourself for the mistakes that you have made. I think individuals are harder sometimes on themselves than they think, and it is because deep down our soul is telling us we are out of line. It takes discipline to follow the word of God and not what we want. That discipline is not made in our own strength either but his. To him, all are perfectly imperfect and so much so that he laid down his own life for all. Loving your neighbours is loving all the same just as he did. You tell people the truth, and that is his word, and you point people toward Jesus Christ who has all power and authority on earth. Let’s be real, everyone needs his saving grace and mercy because all have fallen short. I am not perfect, nor have I ever claimed to be, but I strive to be a better person every day. I am humble enough to admit my flaws and mistakes because I know I have been saved by God’s amazing grace. Anyone who has ever been a part of my life in some way, shape, form, or fashion, I want them all to know that I pray for their salvation. I pray that God touches you in ways that you have never felt and that you can no longer walk this life without him in his rightful place in your life. I pray his grace and mercy over all, especially when you may fall. When you do fall, rise again because it is not over my friend. You fall down seven times and get up eight and walk toward God’s narrow gate. God’s love never dies, not even with Judas’s Kiss, did it subside. Stay Blessed

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