In God’s Eyes

To know your value, you must first know your value in the eyes of God. Your value does not decrease on someone else’s inability to see it. Your inability or someone’s inability to see your value leads to sin which causes soul wounds. This can cause more damage than you may think. People often seek value in other people’s eyes rather than God’s eyes. God’s eyes are the only eyes that matter, especially since he has the final say concerning our eternity. This world will have you to believe it’s cool and the only way to seek value having multiple partners in your life when it is not. These teachings must start in the home with the parents implementing the structure of God’s word and authority. Parents should teach their sons’ integrity and that they should not give into their flesh before getting married. Parents should teach their daughters their value and virtue in the eyes of God and that they should not give their bodies away to just anyone until they are married. When you are married and unite in this way, sexually, you become one with that other person. I can not express the importance of implementing God’s way into our children’s lives enough because going wayward causes so much damage to all involved. You may think it’s cool, but it is not. Going out of line with God’s ways will cause people to not know their true value because they have a soul wound, and it can cause a viscous cycle of more wounds. I have been there, and I know. Stepping out of line with how God intended for us to live causes damage, and most people don’t even realize it. It took me 43 years to realize the extent of damage it causes. Honour God’s structure and watch everything change right before your eyes. Teach your sons and daughters the laws of God and watch the future generations change for the better. Teach them not to give into their fleshly desires over God’s laws. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6. The Bible tells us to do these things, yet the world tells them differently through social media, music, tv, school systems, etc. You must implement these things at home because the society that we live in has made a big mistake of taking God out of everything and replacing him with self. God must be the ultimate law in which we follow, not self. Jesus Christ was selfless, not selfish, and his work revolved around the Father, not himself. Walking with God in this world takes strength, and the only strength that is capable of achieving this is through Jesus Christ. He came, and he conquered this world and hell and rose from the grave for all to be saved through him. That is love at the highest form, to lay down his life for ours. When you understand your value and your worth through God’s eyes, you will understand a lot not only about yourself but others as well. All were created in the image of God, and all were born into this world of sin, so obviously all need the Saviours saving grace and mercy. Through Jesus Christ, you will be reconciled to the Father. Like it or not, all are God’s creation, and where all live is his as he created it all to sustain all. This whole world belongs to him, for he created it all. And to think people fight over something that was never theirs to begin with, it’s borrowed from the creator. God’s understanding is not our understanding and can not be researched because it is beyond our comprehensive knowledge, and nothing can change that. His laws and ways were preserved for humans to follow, and every law made on earth should be made in according to God’s laws first, not the man made-up system. God’s eyes are the only eyes that are going to matter in the end, and you must live and learn according to him, not what this world says. Worldliness is death, but through Jesus Christ, you will be given life. I pray for the salvation of this human race for all to be saved by God’s amazing grace. Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. May all take up their cross and follow you through Jesus Christ , the only way, the only light, and the only truth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen. Stay Blessed

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